Thursday, July 29, 2010

A (little) background on me.

I just jumped into the blog-o-sphere last week with little explanation of who I am...but, I don't want to get too in-depth up front because I figure many of my stories will relate in some way to experiences I've had in the past and I would like for those of you reading this to learn about me organically.

So, all that being said - I'm just gonna fill you in on where I am at, right now.

My boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me about a month has been really tough. As hurt as I am by the whole experience, I am well on my way to realizing that it was all for the best. As much as we loved and cared for each other, our plans for the future didn't quite allign and if we would have eneded up together in the end, it's very possible that neither of us would have reached our true potential for happiness.

I have quickly thrust myself back into the dating scene, something I didn't particularly want to have to go through again, but I have always considered myself to be generally "good at being single."

So, here I go again, on another quest for "the one," or rather "someone," whom I can spend the rest of my life with. A month out of a relationship this still seems like a pretty lofty ambition, but I'll get there eventually. (I hope).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Text Message Blow-off - Translated.

There is no better source for blog material than drawing from the adventures one has in the dating world...

I recently went out on a few dates with a guy who I thought was fun and sweet with whom I felt there was a good chemistry. Well, after date #3 all of a sudden, the texts and calls stopped. Not a huge deal, this kind of thing happens all the time...but then, last night, after a week and a half since we last saw each other (this is not including when we ran into each other randomly one day last week)...he sends this message:

"Thought i'd see you at this --- function tonight. Sorry i've been mia, just been super busy, kinda bad timing with everything going on"

That was the guy version...

Here is my interpretation:

"I thought I was going to get a chance to blow you off in person, but since that didn't randomly happen, I am blowing you off via text. Sorry I've been blowing you off by not calling or texting, but in case there was any confusion about whether or not I was actually blowing you off, I was. And now I am formally blowing you off via text."

Seriously? I got the point when I hadn't heard from you in over a week. Save your 10 cents next time.
