Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now we're getting somewhere...

If you have been reading this blog on even a semi-regular basis, this is the beginning of the posts you all have been waiting for! And BELIEVE me when I say I have been waiting to write them too...

First, a confession: I caved and finally ended up meeting up with Pointless Guy and as expected, it was pretty pointless. Not only is he awkward but it was obvious to me that all he is after is a hook up. I went over to his place to watch a move...after I made him apologize for the way he had been treating me and especially making him cop to his mishandling of the Thursday night situation. When I got there he was wearing PJs, and then when he started the movie he turned off all the lights and instantly tried to snuggle with me. I played it off pretty well, even kissed him a bit, but ended up bolting pretty quickly after the movie was over. Now, even though I've made up my mind about not being interested in him, I am glad I had the chance to find out for sure. And also, because I didn't sleep with him, I doubt if I'll be hearing from him anytime soon anyway.

Now for the fun stuff...oh, where do I begin...?

I am totally smitten with a former co-worker of mine! We went out for Happy Hour on Friday and then met up again on Saturday night. I think what I like about him so much (besides the fact that he is darn cute) is that we have really great, neverending conversations. There is an ease to our chemistry that makes it feel really comfortable to be with him.
A few early red(ish) flags:
1. He's younger than me (though he told me on Friday he like to date older girls, was that a hint?)
2. He is admittedly anti-commitment (for the next couple years while he gets himself established, so he says)
3. I'm not sure we're more than friends

As they say, "when it rains it pours," and in that vane, I met another great guy on Monday! I ended up having to go to the Cold War Kids show at the Parish alone because it sold out so rather than beg people to go with me or sell my ticket, I just decided to get dolled up, go early, and make some new friends before the show started. Success! Mr. Normal walked past me and I instantly decided he was the best looking guy in the room. I grabbed a cocktail, kept my eye on him and contemplated whether I should approach him. After a couple minutes of wavering (slash making sure he wasn't waiting for a girl to meet him) I just boldly walked over and introduced myself. I can usually walk up to anyone in a room and introduce myself EXCEPT when I think a guy is really good looking - so I am REALLY proud of myself for not chickening out like usual. Turns out Mr. Normal and I have similar taste in music, have a good chemistry and had a blast hanging out all night! He bought me drinks, saved my spot for me when I ran to the bathroom (of course I returned the favor), and was just generally a gentleman (and did I mention that he is GORGEOUS?!?). Plus, he got my phone number and even texted me last night to tell me he had a good time with me! We tried to make plans to see each other this week, but we're both busy the next couple days and he leaves to go home for Christmas on Friday...we already have plans for when he gets back! :)

Phewf...okay, so that's a rundown of what's been going on with me for the past week. Oh, and I get to see co-worker guy again tonight! yay!

1 comment:

  1. Busy busy girl! Haha good luck to ya, juggling all those "potentials" :D
