Friday, December 10, 2010

The Period at the End of a Sentence.

Remember the pointless guy? Well, he continues to text me. In all fairness, until today, I've been responding, so I guess I am helping to keep this whole charade/exercise going...but last night was the last straw.

With maybe one or two exceptions, every single time we have texted back and forth he has initiated. This has been going on for a month now. I was out of town for a few weeks to go home for Thanksgiving and New York, but he knew I was getting back into town this week and we had a pseudo date planned for last night.

When I hadn't heard from him by 6:30, thinking he had forgotten or blown me off, I posted on facebook "I'm bored, what should I do tonight?"

My cousin asked me to go to dinner, a peripheral friend (whom I have been contemplating deleting because he keeps asking me out) asked me out for drinks and pointless boy posted "Shenanigans. Always a good choice."

"Hmmm," I thought, "so he checks my facebook..."

I texted him what I thought was an adorably witty response. "So, what's your plan for the evening? Are you available to shenanigise? (v. the act of participating in shenanigans)." Cute, right? :)

He responded with a series of non committal well I'm doing "this" right now and possibly "that" later. I might be tired. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I said, "That's cool, get some sleep." He immediately asked me what I was doing, I told him, told him to get "un-tired" and come out. He said "maybe :)" Through the next series of texts that I won't bore you with quoting specifically, he ended up going out, and not meeting up with me, which infuriated me.

He then decided to text me this morning to ask if I made it home okay last night. What is his deal!?!? I'm not going to find out, cause I have no intention of responding to his texts anymore. Oh well, his loss. Period.

On a side note, I did meet three impossibly adorable boys last night. One of whom gave me his card (which was very slick in the situation because he was the manager of the restaurant my friend K and I ate at, there was clearly chemistry between us and I was trying to figure out the least awkward way to exchange contact info given our situation...), one of whom immediately friended me on facebook, and the other of whom has my number. Phewf! Dating in the high-tech age is full of avenues for contact, isn't it?

Stay tuned...getting back into the single swing of things is certainly turning out to be fun!

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